The Fellowship of the Full Curve is a fraternity for adults of all creeds and nationalities that want to better life for themselves and their peers.
In the following I will explain the thought capital behind the idea. Everything is in flux. Nothing is static. These notions, goals, the manifest, the purpose, the platform and the fellowship itself, will naturally evolve and be refined as we go along. After all, Rome was not built in a day.
Anyone can become a member, but if you become a member you have to seek to live up to the fraternity creed and manifest. The fraternity has 10 commandments derived from its manifest.
To make us wiser.
To help us socialize, empathize and have fun.
To build a community that helps us move forward.
We dress in gold and smile as we enter a room. Never hold back on the compliments. Everyone likes to smile!
To make us wiser.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
to become wiser, to explore topics from one end to another. An often used analogy is going full circle. But that analogy conjures an image of us ending up in the very place we started. Instead we resonate in a topic exploring the curve of its knowledge until we reach the end, enlightened.
Potato potato right? Well you are paying to be part of this. No freebies or refunds allowed. I want some sort of commitment from you. Nothing big. Nothing fancy. But I want your attention. And what gets attention? Money. Hopefully, down the line I will deliver something of value to you. Maybe I won’t. Who knows. The plan is to create something of benefit to us all, but best laid plans and all that..
A fellowship also allows us to incorporate the best from clubs, secret societies and traditional fraternities. I am of course talking about hierarchies, rituals and cool symbols!
The core of the fellowship is a society centered around, online and real life, meetings between our fellows aimed at idea exchange and generation. The fellowship will be created in the image of existing fraternities with a hierarchy defined by members seniority and devotion of time to the project. No secret sauce though. All is in the open.
The main part of the platform will be centered around user profiles, but instead of having one’s experience, life events or images as the centerpiece, I want you to display your thought capital there. Each member will be able to define 3 ideas to be featured in their profile. It does not have to be your own idea, after all none of us truly have something novel to say, it just has to be something you believe strongly about and that you are willing to defend verbally.
Each country has its own chapter and has a board of members that will spearhead activities in that country. There will also be a global board of members to drive the overall development and goals of the Fellowship. Down the line there will be some sort of mechanism to vote who gets a seat on the boards. Initially I will pick the starting members, composed of people I deem to be able to steer us in a good direction from the get go.